LOS BAŃOS, Laguna, July 14, 2022 – – – The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Region 4A (BFAR 4A) has been actively rolling out the fuel subsidy for the fisherfolk in Calabarzon. The Fuel Discount for Farmers and Fisherfolk Program (FDFFP) which kicked off last March, aimed to cushion the impact of fuel price hikes among farmers and fisherfolk.
In four months since the start of the Program, a total of 4,251 fisherfolk in Calabarzon have received Php3,000.00 fuel subsidy each in the form of discount cards. These fisherfolk-recipients represent 62% of the total target fisherfolk beneficiaries for Calabarzon. More cards are scheduled for distribution this coming August in far-flung areas of Quezon Province, once the remaining cards have been printed.
The Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (PMEU) of BFAR 4A, together with the
Provincial Fisheries Officers of CaLaBaRZon are leading the smooth distribution of the
discount cards in coordination with the respective LGUs. Reports from the documentation officers of Cavite, Batangas and Rizal showed that, as of this writing, distribution of the discount cards is near completion in Cavite, while in Batangas and Rizal, 88% (1,388/1,570) and 90% (842/931) of the target beneficiaries respectively received the discount cards. In Laguna, 98% (619/633) of the target beneficiaries already received the discount cards, according to data from PMEU.
The discount cards which were distributed to the beneficiaries in partnership with the Universal Storefront Services Corporation (USSC) and Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), may be used by the fishermen to purchase gasoline for their fishing operations from designated gasoline stations. (MDAlonte with reports from ABLatigay, KOEscosura, JSDUTalanay and RMBacon)